The World Map From Russia To America Is A Metaphor For Gaining Freedom

Study the mindsets of every nation from Russia to England to Ireland, to crossing the ocean, to North America.  You see a metaphorical map of progress from surviving terrible or being on your own (Russian Winter) to “certainty that’s knowing it” (England) to feeling good accepted with certainty (Ireland), to confronting seemingly impossible uncertainty (Ocean), to finally getting to “have to be free” (America).

The metaphorical story of crossing all the land from Russia to England says you have to do all that work to finally get to deserve to be certain about yourself after beginning  from a mindset that has required you to be strong all the time on your own as a priority to survive.  Then Ireland is a mindset that feels good being accepted or happy the way it is without ever thinking you should need to take the biggest risk of your life because “why bother starting a fight or roughing things up if nobody is bothering us accepted or happy this way?”  You are rich enough so “who cares?” some say.

Then the ocean represents taking the biggest risk of your life to do everything on your own or telling someone that you care about  excepting all the risk of never looking back taking a chance on something you believe in.  “I believe freedom is there and I want more” says the British or Irish person who doesn’t like Monarchy still not respecting them as perfectly free or successful as they want to be.  So they cross the ocean to find North America.

But, even in North America you still have to face Monarchy wanting you to not worry about wanting freedom.  “Don’t want all the freedom” says Canada’s mindset.  Have almost all of it, but not perfect freedom.  Your rulers see your potential and want to tax you, guilt you with responsibility for their feelings, own part of you, or laugh at why you want that much freedom anyway.  You ignore it all.

So you keep moving south because Monarchy doesn’t like it or your rulers get pissed off that you won’t let them technically being in control claiming “it’s better anyway.”  Getting freedom always makes someone else jealous and you have to want it perfect to get it perfect.

Then America.  A landscape that looks like you “have to be free.”  A place you have to respect everyone else “having to be free” too if you want to enjoy staying there.  In this mindset you can do whatever you want, but someone is always testing you to try to take it away or trying to embarrass you with enjoying “having to be free” more than you are.  You must be diligent about why you survive with your freedom.  But, you have it.

Evidence that God exists and designed the world.