People’s Physical Appearances Are A Metaphor For How Their Mother Feels While Pregnant

While researching dream symbolism I occasionally had the difficult task of interpreting my own dreams which contained symbolism of people’s faces.  Not an easy thing to do when you are starting out, but after a while you begin to feel how the personality of a face in a dream reflects some aspect of your waking life.  You can’t just look it up or research it, you are on your own.

While trying to study faces for dreaming I would often ask myself some questions.  First, why do real people look the way they do?   Second, why does a person look more like the father than the mother?  Third, what causes a person to be born a boy or girl?  There must be some reason either internal or external.  I was sure of it.

So I did the only thing I could do, which is watch a person’s mother and family life and look for patterns.  But, I couldn’t really see anything physical or obvious at first.  Then I started looking at people like they were a living dream symbol and the answers became obvious.

Feelings.  Nature can’t hide anything with feelings. In nature the truth must be noticed by all with no support because natures wants strong and weak to compete to allow the most deserving genes to survive proving itself as deserving.   Nature always adapts to survive and humans were no different.  Strong or smart qualities might not be needed in nature all the time for whatever challenge the human being is enduring in the current moment.  Nature can change when needed.  I watched carefully and started seeing patterns.

First pattern.  The first born child on average look more like their father.  Why?  The answer is because when a woman gets pregnant she relies on the man and feels the experience of the first pregnancy to be completely new and serious.  She feels she must be strong enough to get through it safely.  So she feels the man behaving in ways that are or are’t helpful.  So if the man is strong, feels good to be around, or is attractive is some particular way she will have feelings in a way that respect those qualities in her life.  She likes to survive a certain way so the baby grows that way.  The gene selection must be designed by God to ensure feelings based deservingness the same as trees or the animals.

Nature it seemed was  using a pregnant woman’s wombs as a tool for evolution based on feelings because children seemed to be the only obvious indication of genes moving forward.

I read somewhere (can’t remember where) that men used to look at their new born babies in ancient times to see if it looked like them. If it didn’t they’d kill the baby.  I assume they must have come to that conclusion after generations of determining that the first born must look like the man or something is wrong.  They must have based this opinion on the average relationship in early times being completely dependent on the man being a strong hunter or protector with the woman feeling herself respecting those qualities during pregnancy causing the body to pick those genes to ensure future survival.  In modern times the man is not respected for hunting or killing so the process of gene selection disguises itself or is based on feeling good around the man instead of needing to survive strong.

Second pattern.  Woman who don’t respect the man, aren’t happy with the man, are secretly a lesbian, or aren’t attracted to the man will have first born children that look like themselves.  The genes are selected this way because instinctively the woman feels something wrong with the man so the genes avoid his genes for future survival of the children.

Third pattern.  Second born children’s genes often switch parents from father to mother qualities.  This seems to be because the woman isn’t as afraid of the pregnancy the second time around.  So she doesn’t depend on the man like it’s deadly.  She enjoys herself more for herself and the child looks that way to reflect that when it’s born.

Fourth pattern.  First born children often have “strong genes” which means they look and act like being first is important.  Strong genes, but not necessary better genes.  Less likely to be a fake or cheater, more confident, grows up quicker.  Perhaps, less afraid of fighting or getting angry.

Fifth pattern.  Woman with husbands that feel good as good listeners or feel good safe often have female babies.  Why?  I assume it’s nature’s way of maximizing procreation based on safety and no competition.  More females equals more offspring.  So the body notices safety and then makes females to fill the void of low population.  Sort of like a human seed maximizer.  If paradise is found then maximize people until jealousy starts (then a boy is born to deserve to fight for the right to stay in paradise.  When paradise is lost then all boys are born).  Nature is terrible isn’t it??

Sixth pattern.  Human beauty is reducing with perfect female equality in the work place.  Equality is good, but nature doesn’t care.  Nature eats you or you eat it.  Beautiful people often have the ability to scare you that they will eat you (little ugly person non-deserver).  Beauty isn’t gone, but it’s not drop dead shocking anymore in the modern world.  Third world woman often still shock you with beauty.  Why?  When the western world  woman is pregnant in the age of equality she cares too much about herself getting back to work.  Nothing is special or the man doesn’t need to treat her as special as he once did with bills paid.  She is not worked for overprotected.   She “goes dutch” with meals, work, or getting herself somewhere.  She isn’t a career  “carer.”  So the women don’t gestate in the pregnant woman’s womb as “special”, “over protected beautiful” or “deserving to never lift a finger perfect.”  100% perfect equality ignores natures rule for deserving to be beautiful.  Children are now born to look like “I want don’t be better than anyone else”, “money or career is more important than my birth”, “I want to get ahead and I don’t like why this pregnancy is taking too long”, or “I don’t want to upset anyone while I’m never too important.”  The deserving nature of pregnancy deciding how we look is being robbed from people.

Seventh pattern.  If you watch people with a lot of children, like 7 or 8, you can see the how the mother’s personality changes about each pregnancy.  Often times you feel her respecting or fearing pregnancy less and less…unless she is tirelessly responsible and optimistic.

What may be happening is that nature uses feelings to determine the gene selection to determine strength based on deserving to feel good confident living successful in a way that humans can’t escape.  Feeling good never worrying, never stressed, and always respecting yourself can’t be hidden or faked.  Nature is always asking the question “Who feels good freer of problems than other people” with competition.  So if the woman doesn’t like her life or respect herself special during pregnancy then the face and body must reflect that so the children will grow up to mate with people in a similar “deserving to be confident or happy” genetic selection (at least natures tries once first as looks don’t always determine mating).  Strong and beautiful designed to be given a chance for first picks of mates (like sweetest fruit).  The happiest or strongest successful feelings based genetics always “exteriorize” themselves and attempt to mate first even if they don’t.

Good looks in the end may indicate to potential mates the message “100% honest that I feel good living in safe location, people protect me, lots of food, never jealous, so much so I laugh that I’m always treated special or nothing stops me.” This might be why people can be intimidated by someone attractive as they feel the person’s genes deserving to be treated more special or they feel the attractive person having a deserving survival advantage they don’t deserve themselves.  Looks might also communicate “you might die if you don’t respect me” because I signal paradise or over-protection that doesn’t need you (because I deserve to like my life surviving when you don’t.)

In short, our genes are selected based on what our pregnant mothers felt was best for her future at the time of pregnancy.

Caution:  If you’ve remembered all the patterns listed above, don’t let it change you too much.  Because now you think like God…or how all the animals think instinctively.  You see deservingness or not to it’s face.  And if you are a woman I strongly suggest treating your pregnancy like a never ending birthday of too hot too smart too rich to give a crap so your baby scares everybody that it’s sexy genius royalty:)