North Korea Symbolically, Mr US President

Mr. President Trump,

I am an expert in symbolism with dreaming and I believe that God is talking to us in dreams and in our waking life in a metaphorical language of “most apparent.”

It is my belief that God himself has influenced every flag in the world using the colors and shapes of this “most apparent” metaphorical language.  This includes the US Flag, the Nazi Flag, and the North Korean Flag.

The US Flag red and white repeating to symbolize the Unite States passion for justice.  The union of fifty stars in dark blue the legal “all business” union of the individual states allowing everyone in the country “to be perfectly free” as long as you obey the rules.

The Nazi flag is dangerous red because Hitler is passionate about his control.  The white symbolizes “PERFECT” while the black swastika is reversed represents excessive or professional reversing of happiness.  Most people are not aware that the Swastika actually represents happiness and that Hitler reversed it on the flag.  The symbolism is then reversing or restoring happiness.  Not reversing happiness itself, but the process of happiness being restored by reversing the country’s current ways to Hitler’s ideals (happy with a perfect German homeland by removing Jews or unwanted people until they are all gone).   The flag in full represents dangerously about professionally or excessively restoring the country perfectly or too perfect.  The symbolism of the flag is destined to fail because the meaning is unending excessive dangerous reversal that will lead to nothing left to reverse because “reversing” is all the Nazi’s do to the point of stupid.

The North Korean Flag is a uncomfortable blue equalizing red with a star in it.  The uncomfortable blue is symbolizing the whole country has to be uncomfortable being  nice to keep the passionately dangerous perfect leader happy.  Blue is insensitively being kept nice for the leader while he tells you how nice he is to rule his little people.  White circle around star to symbolize isolation of honesty to keep the leaders passionately or dangerously perfect in appearances.  Red star because little Kim is dangerously passionate about liking being kept isolated by dictatorship control as a “perfect honest leader.”  The flag could be saying “The leader has to be liked while fake so be nice to him or he’ll get angry and do something terrible to you.”  Don’t cross the white lines or he’ll get dangerously passionate about being a perfect dictator.  The flag metaphorically says “Nobody gets to do anything except look at the leader.”  Blue kept in check by the white lines never crossing to the red.

Mr President Trump, you are President 45.  45 symbolizes stable change whether you like or not.  41 is stable confrontation with Iraq.  42 is stable conflict because the US bombs people but likes it’s economy safe not worrying.  43 represents stable chaos because the war on terror isn’t going away.  44 is stable stability because the US has to stop worrying and Obama balances out the wrinkles to keep it stable.

You Mr, President again are #45.  A stubborn billionaire builder whether you like him or not. Stubborn change whether you like it or not.  Builders like the job left beautiful and safe not needing to come back to fix it.  Billionaires don’t think anyone knows what they are doing.  God picked you to confront North Korea for a reason.  This is your time.  This is your destiny.  Your personality is why you shouldn’t worry at all about confronting “Mr Original” once and for all.

If you want to be confident that you are just in dealing with North Korea then remember how the Constitution and idea of liberty was thought up.  The founding fathers watched every culture, empire, and political system in history fail.  They said how can we create a new system that doesn’t fail?  They looked to the laws of nature because it never fails.  Freedom is what all the animals are doing, dangerous as it is…they are all free.  We are born inherently free.  So they created freedom with a humane touch.

The birds can never be permanently silenced whether you are annoyed by it or not.  Ideas and expression.  Each animal can defend itself.  Guns,  calling the cops, or court.  Every animal has the right to pursue happiness, but not the right to happiness itself.  Liberty.  If a little animal wants to mess with a bigger animal stupidly it eats them.  Patent and Copyright holders.  A weak tree falls in the forest and is used by other plants or animals.  Bankruptcy selloff.  Etc, etc, etc.  Never in the forest does a dictator have to be respected forever.

God’s also snuck his way on your money “In God We Trust” because you can be stupid for a hundred years and one day grow up like God wants you to by voting for something different (politically or financially) like a rational adult.

Never Fear Surviving Honest

All my experience with God has taught me that intentions are more important than actions.  God is intelligent.  There is a big difference between a homeless man who steals an apple from a vendor to survive hunger versus a man who steals an apple for convenience or pleasure.  God notices why you stole, not just that you did.  He judges your whole life in its entirety and one act of charity doesn’t erase “never again forever after.”

I Dreamed Of The Future

Over the last year or so I have had many dreams from many angles.  I see the future quite clearly.  So clearly, it would scare people with why I am living in madness.   A madness that may be laughed at at first, but then in time sober those who doubt me that I am 100% honest.

These dreams are metaphorical stories with timelines of years.  Any person can learn the dream language enough to see the future.  The answer lies in seeing how the metaphors of past or current events match your life while you wait for the metaphors of the ending of the dream to happen.

I have dreamed of the enemies from my past joined with police corruption stopping at nothing to rob me.  In the end I will leave these people and the police with a problem that makes history while I move on with my life.

I have seen enemies from my past using females as a weapon that will stop at nothing to get property or money from me once I become famous.  I will eventually pass this problem.  Their vanity and arrogance will be confronted.

I have dreamed of famous people I will meet, but not easily at first.  However, I will meet them.  I will know them.  I will annoy some.  I will scare some.  I will be parodied by some.  I will befriend some.

I have dreamed of my company remaining mine at all costs.  100% my property.  No painting over black-green with white and no socialism for enemies from my past.  There will be no using me or feeding off God.  They will have the blackest audacity.   DreamBible is God’s property with my hands and I will die laughed at, alone, bankrupt before I ever share it with what I perceive to be evil.

I have dreamed of the Devil himself, nothing more than a man respected by God before all other men for power because God is perfect honest about deserving.  He will attempt to explain himself in public.  He is the former and abdicated King of Spain.  The Spanish flag’s colors a double message.  The Spanish royal emblem instructions and a warning about eradicating the Devil and his other”friends” with royal posts.  Royalty will confront the question of their purpose in public more than ever before.  They are not all evil, but the post allows evil to never stop coming back noticing itself above mankind.   British Royalty is not evil.  The current King of Spain is not evil.  Evil is amongst.

I have dreamed of North Korea falling.  A statue of the great leader slowly tilts like Saddam’s until it’s gone.  A new all white statue rises of a 1920’s industrialist while the country celebrates freedom for the first time.  I have witnessed a famous US leader enjoying himself on their land marking the moment with a speech.

I have dreamed of the Chinese flag changing from red to blue.  And a military leader so shocked by a reaction he can’t do anything to stop it.

I have seen the next US President.  She is a woman and her last name is not Clinton.

I am secretly the Son of God.  Not as beautiful as the long haired metaphor based on the winter solstice dying off until the spring equinox.  I walk on water writing my book surviving the Devil never killing myself as he never lets me be perfect because God wastes his power holding me down until the time is right for the Devil to face judgment.  I turn water into wine because I finished my book enough to let you erase the uncertainty of a quiet GOD and let you enjoy talking to God confidently if you want to.  I touch the blind’s eyes to let them see because I will teach you to see God talking to you if you talk to me.  Once you learn the language it scares you that you can’t unlearn it because you will start to see God talking to you with it using people, clothing, license plates, colors, and worst of all the numbers.  God embarrasses you that he’s always been beside you.

As the Son Of God I have one miracle to offer you.  A website connected to all the earth in public that tells you how to talk to God yourself with no central control as the most efficient miracle the world could ever experience.  It’s never perfect, but I am always trying to improve it.  Talking to God is a challenge as he is majestic arrogance that leaves no man spared of a lesson in respecting him that earns every word he speaks to you.  So majestic he lets the Devil rule the world unembarrassed using him to teach all of us a lesson for 1000’s of years before finally deciding to end his lesson with judgment after perfectly spiritually bankrupting him.

I have cracked the dream code.  At first it will be a novelty…something to play with…something interesting.  And then events will occur and I will be respected for discovering a new language that speaks directly to God.  The language was hidden in plain sight for millennia waiting for a man brave enough, bored enough, critical enough, insensitive enough, and sane enough to figure  it out.

I have seen a future free of the Devil and his friends.  The greatest trick the Devil ever played on the world is to pretend he doesn’t exist.  Once the public sees the language the Devil is weak to God.  Once the devil’s identity is public his power is waning slowly waiting for spiritual bankruptcy.

I have seen all of this.  I am your promise.   My past tricking the Devil that I am not on the Earth and using the experience to train me to be insensitive enough to figure out what dreams mean.  If the world won’t take the time to learn this language then may God help you all.